Multi-stream production with Cyanview

🎥 Workflow breakdown – 47 PTZ & 10 standard broadcast cameras for a multi-stream production

Each year AMP VISUAL TV covers a multi-stream production of a large corporate event for Bpifrance. This time they used 47 Panasonic PTZ remote cameras, 1 Dream Chip ATOM One and 10 standard broadcast cameras. All the PTZ and ATOM are configured on one CyanView RCP for shading. A second RCP has been added to give access to all the same cameras from a second operator position.

A significant part of our customers are now choosing our RCP when it comes to PTZ shading. With the synchronization with VSM, it takes a fraction of a second to switch the preview to any camera and the RCP instantly controls that new camera. There’s just no switching delay as the RCP does control all cameras continuously.
There are other key advantages like the gate effect on the multi-matrix and the possibility to save and recall scene files per camera or on all cameras at once.

To learn everything about the Cyanview system here is a link to our presentation page

Thanks to Jean-François Stock, the OB Manager on the production, for the pictures 📸


This post was originally published on LinkedIn