To kickstart the 2023 Fashion Week season PLANI deployed their three flypack kits. To achieve perfect image quality and color accuracy those flypack kits include Cyanview RCP & RIO Live offering a live cinematic multicam workflow including shading of cinema cameras and external lens control.
Here is a breakdown of the kits :
– Kit 1 and 2 → 10 Sony FX9s equipped with RIO Live for lens control and 10 RCPs in the control room to create 2 vision consoles, one per vision engineer controlling five RCPs each.
– Kit 3 → 16 Sony FX9s equipped with a RIO Live for lens control and 16 RCPs in the control room to create 2 vision consoles, one per vision engineer controlling eight RCPs each.
Having those flypack kits allows PLANI to cover an impressive amount of shows within a very short period of time while delivering high end visual quality results to their customers.
You can also have a master RCP, as shown in the camera plan, acting like an MSU to start record on all cameras simultaneously, access the camera menus, formatting cards… As the CyanView system is IP based this master RCP can be local or remote!

📸 Photo credit: Planipresse
#LiveProduction #ShadingOverIP #Broadcast #CinematicMulticam #Multicam
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